Who's Leasy?

How this corporate girlie is managing life with one sesh at a time!

Hi, I'm Elease- Your Average Millennial - Literally the average woman born in the early 90’s who grew up in Y2K, endured the college experience through the recession of 2009, traveled the country as a consultant fresh after graduation, then hustled my way up the corporate ladder in tech in the California Bay area. Had my years of fun memories, travels, break-ups, loves and loss.

Finding Cannabis

Cannabis has been present throughout my life from high school forward. It wasn't until late in college that I used the plant as medicine/tool to help me through it all. Being in the corporate world, happy hours and alcohol became too heavily present in my day to day. I found switching to cannabis at night after work, I was able to perform at a much higher level the next day and on. Since 2015 I have been on a mission to learn all you can about the plant. Now that cannabis has become more socially acceptable I want to spread this knowledge and bring it to YOU in an approachable level for all to understand. Most friends I talk to, have no idea how to shop, smoke/sesh, aftercare, and how to find your primo HIGHNESS!

Which brings me here today to create an online community for the average person/millennial to learn the basics to cannabis and find what is right for you. Come along and ask all the questions - Here to help guide with absolutely no judgements